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Yes! We are a fully mobile business. We will travel to you.
We Service the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Northeastern North Carolina, and the Tidewater area of Virginia
We Service the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Northeastern North Carolina, and the Tidewater area of Virginia
What is the Dustless Blaster?
The Dustless Blaster works by mixing water and abrasive inside the blast tank. By introducing water we're drastically increasing mass and energy the machine is putting out, while eliminating dust. Imagine throwing a handful of dry sand, versus throwing a handful of wet sand; which one is going to have a more significant impact on the target? Not only will the wet sand hit the target harder, but it won't disintegrate and become a cloud of dust like the dry sand will. This is the very simple principle behind Dustless Blasting. The Dustless Blasting system has the following advantages over the old, outdated dry blasting method:
Faster: The Dustless Blaster can strip a car in a few hours.
Minimal Dust: The abrasive gets trapped in water and grounded, eliminating the plume of dust.
Lower Abrasive Consumption: The Dustless Blaster uses use less media to do more work.
Abrasive Flexibility: The Dustless Blaster can use almost any abrasive that sinks in water.
No Warping: The water prevents friction and won't warp thin metal like sandblasting will.
Safe for Workers: Recycled bottle glass contains no free silica, the leading cause of silicosis.
Leaves a Paint Ready Surface: The rust inhibitor decontaminates the metal leaving a clean, chloride free paint ready surface.
Faster: The Dustless Blaster can strip a car in a few hours.
Minimal Dust: The abrasive gets trapped in water and grounded, eliminating the plume of dust.
Lower Abrasive Consumption: The Dustless Blaster uses use less media to do more work.
Abrasive Flexibility: The Dustless Blaster can use almost any abrasive that sinks in water.
No Warping: The water prevents friction and won't warp thin metal like sandblasting will.
Safe for Workers: Recycled bottle glass contains no free silica, the leading cause of silicosis.
Leaves a Paint Ready Surface: The rust inhibitor decontaminates the metal leaving a clean, chloride free paint ready surface.
What kind of abrasive does it use?
The Dustless Blaster can use just about any abrasive that sinks in water and doesn't dissolve. Our favorite is recycled bottle glass because it's clean, cheap, good for a wide range of jobs and eco-friendly.
Since water is used, won't it rust metal?
We use a rust inhibitor called HoldTight 102 to prevent flash rusting for up to 72 hours. This extremely effective rust inhibitor is added to the blast water to prevent flash rust during blasting, and then used to rinse after blasting is complete.
What happens to the abrasive after blasting?
The abrasive will settle on the ground beneath or very near to whatever you're blasting. If you're in a place where you need to dispose of this media, the easiest way is to spread out some plastic before you begin blasting, and roll it up after blasting.