Dustless Blasting is the Perfect Tool for Marine Boat Blasting
Removing old anti-fouling bottom paint can be a daunting task, filled with back breaking sanding and grinding. We can safely remove the bottom paint without damaging the gel coat while saving you time and money. No better tool for removing marine anti-fouling paint. Not only is it super quick, but blasting can take place with less containment because the dust and pulverized paint is suppressed. Since most of the water atomizes and evaporates runoff is not a problem.
We can strip the the paint on the bottom of your fiberglass boat by using our cutting edge blasting technology. Our blasting system can remove years of marine-life and anti-fouling without damaging the the gel coat on the fiberglass. There is no need for special containment because unlike soda blasting, dustless blasting uses recycled glass as the media. Our services are also mobile and we will come to your local boatyard or storage location to complete the services. Once the blasting process is complete your boat will be ready for a fresh coat of paint.